For those who just want to get it done, let’s do it in a day!

Sure, you can do it step by step, one piece at a time. But if you want to get the full benefits of the StoryBrand Framework and launch your new marketing collateral fast, this onsite intensive is for you.

Get more done in 8 hours than most companies will get done in 8 months.

It’s a $10,000 investment, but the results will be proven time and time again through long-term sales and donations.

Fast track your team, your messaging, and your success.

As a long time preacher, I've always said, "If there's mist in the pulpit, there's fog in the pews." Oftentimes it's the leadership of an organization that needs clarity before the message can be clear. The fog of clarifying your messaging can be lifted in a day, but it starts with clarity from the top.

Our Done in a Day intensive will help your leadership team get on the same page so you can start telling a story that actually works.

It’s time to talk. Let’s start here.