Your nonprofit has a story to tell.
We help you tell it.

We use the StoryBrand framework to build your messaging strategy for your audience. Think of it as the seven “chords” you need to write 1,000 different “songs” about your nonprofit.

This is the StoryBrand
7-part framework.

Every story has:

1. A character who wants something.
2. But they have a problem.
3. So they turn to a guide.
4. Who gives them a plan.
5. Calls them to action.
6. Points them toward success.
7. And away from failure.

We think nonprofits can, and are, changing the world.

Check out some of the amazing organizations we get to work with who are moving the needle in their own space, and then make a donation and support them!

The way you tell your story online can make all the difference.



give someone a fish.

If your nonprofit gives RELIEF to a group, the stories you need to be telling should focus on the difficulty of the situation you are trying to bring relief to. If someone needs medicine, give them the medicine. This is short-term help.

When you focus on the problem you are solving, you will be able to raise more money to bring that RELIEF.


teach SOMEONE how to fish.

With nonprofits working in DEVELOPMENT, you are not just giving the needed medicine, but you are showing a community, “This is how to take care of yourself.” If you are in DEVELOPMENT as a nonprofit, sad and impossible stories no longer work.

You need to tell stories of transformation, happiness, and stories of overcoming. When you see the sad story 20 times in a row, our brains can no longer handle that weight and they turn off. They need to breathe. Keep your messaging hopeful.


teach someone to think about fishing.

The movement from development to EMPOWERMENT begins with helping a community to create their own sustainable ways of improvement. It’s not just digging the well, it’s teaching them to dig their own wells. It’s not just giving them books or building a classroom, it’s empowering them to become teachers. Like development, the sad and impossible stories don’t motivate, they exhaust.

Focus on the aspirational identity:

  • Who do these people want to become?

  • What does success look like for them?

Paint that picture and your supporters will become advocates for your mission.


tear down
the fence around the pond.

If your nonprofit is bringing JUSTICE to a community, there is usually an immediate injustice that needs to be overcome, but a systemic long-term that you can’t live in the harshness of itself. Think nonprofits in the human trafficking space, unlocking slavery, or racial inequalities.

In the JUSTICE space, you can tell stories that paint the picture of both the bitter realities and tragedies of the situation, but also show the success of what happens when injustice is overthrown and dealt with.

How do we help your nonprofit tell the right story?

First, you have to treat your nonprofit like a business. We know most nonprofits don’t like hearing that, but the success of your nonprofit in reaching those you serve is MISSION CRITICAL. Beyond clarity and strategy in your marketing approach, these are a few of the deliverables we offer and some examples of the groups we have been working with.

Brand Message Guides

What is the message you want to tell the world? After a 90-minute kickoff call, we spend time crafting a 20+ page Brand Message Guide. Based on the StoryBrand framework, we help you to craft the message your audience needs to hear. It includes your Story Pitch, a one-liner, and a marketing implementation plan.


After getting your story clear, we position it to tell the world. The easiest way for your audience to find out about you is through your website. We write the right words and put them in the right places for your website. Think of it as the scaffolding that helps to frame each page of your site. Depending on the complexity and integrations needed for your website, we will either build it or partner with some of the best in the business.

Email Campaigns

Email is a great way to stay in touch with your crowd and keep them up-to-date on what’s big and what’s next. It’s how you stay connected and continue to nurture the relationship. When something big is coming, whether it is a fundraising gala, or Giving Tuesday, the right words, delivered in the right way, will bring success.

This is a basic template for the five emails we write:

  • Delivery of the asset

  • Problem + solution

  • Overcoming objections

  • Testimonial | customer story

  • Paradigm shift

Longform Copywriting

You keep hearing you need a blog for SEO (whatever that is!) or some sort of lead-generating PDF to tell your customers more about what you do. But let’s be honest, you’re not a writer, you get stuck, and you don’t enjoy it. Guess what? You don’t have to do it. Give us the main idea of what you are trying to accomplish, and we will produce content that has everything you need.


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Google Ad Grants is the nonprofit arm of Google Ads. It funds nonprofits like you with $10,000 of Google Ads advertising per month to promote their missions and initiatives free on Google search result pages.

The program provides a great opportunity for nonprofits to benefit from maximum visibility on Google while spreading the word about your organization’s events, opportunities, and fundraisers without having to spend a single penny.

Sound interesting? Let’s talk about how you can procure and utilize the Google Ad Grant.

Did you know that the average nonprofit will only use about 3% of their $10,000 monthly budget?


This means the average nonprofit is leaving $9,700 unused per month! We work with certified experts who can help your nonprofit use the full $10,000 Google Ad Grant and allow you to devote your time to running your nonprofit organization. Utilizing the Google Ad Grant will help your nonprofit:

  • Connect with supporters & volunteers

  • Promote events & sell tickets

  • Build email lists & relationships

  • Increase website visitors & conversions

  • Increase donations & fundraising

  • Build your brand & raise awareness